Home Remedies For Constipation In Infants Apr 27th, 2016 [viewed 426 times] |
Here Are The Top Three Home Remedies For Constipation In InfantsI am going to make this article a little longer than any of the other ones. I really want to get into full detail about all of the home remedies for constipation in infants. Currently I have one infant that I have been taking care of while my wife goes to work. I have already had five other children so I know exactly what it is I am dealing with. The infants are the ones that you need to look out for because of the fact that they are so fragile and sensative to everything. Sometimes infants feel like they are made out of glass and you could break them at any time any way. The fact of the matter is that they are actually pretty simple to take care of once you know what it is that you need to do. Fortunatley for you I have a lot of experience and if you do not well I can share my experiences with you and help you through this difficult time. Is your little one dealing with some constipation problems right now? Well Luckily for you I have all the answers that you might need right here in my head. So instead of dragging on this article let me start you off with three of my absolute favorite homeopathic remedies. 1.Lavender OilIt has been said that lavender oil is one of the most calming of the essential oils. not only that but its incredibly safe to use on your little ones. A very safe plant and oil and will not harm your little one at all. Just remember that if your family has a history of being allergic to lavender then your infant may develop a very slight rash which is not a big concern. It is very uncommon for this to happen so do not be worried. Just rub some lavender oil on the babies tummy and wait for it to relax the muscles. 2. Warm BathNever ever has this failed me. Just give your infant a nice relaxing and long bath. Make sure to rub your infants belly a lot while they are chilling in the bath. The water should be somewhat warm and not too hot you do not want to burn the skin. Not too cold either as that will tense up the muscles and make the constipation worse. This is probably the most effective of the home remedies for constipation in infants. Try this out. 3.Change Of DietAlways a working method to getting rid of constipation for good. Not only for right now but for in the future as well. Once your little one gets to a certain age you are going to want to make sure that they are not eating stuff that they should not be eating. Only healthy foods should be consumed during this age especially for development of the brain. Keep it organic and keep it healthy.
If you are a fan of my home remedies for constipation in infants then you should check out the rest of my blog. I am sure that you will like what you see if you decide to take a look around. Thanks again for stopping by and I really hope your infant gets over his or her constipation problem! Have an amazing day! Here are two more links to this subject if you need more info http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/health-fitness/medical-conditions/childrens-health/3-steps-to-treat-constipation-in-children?page=2 http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/constipation.html |