How Do Infants Become Constipated So Often? Apr 27th, 2016   [viewed 97 times]


Like many people you probably have a lot of questions reguarding this subject. Its okay to ask questions because most people have no idea what to do. I actually really like it when you guys ask me stuff like this because it gives me more stuff to write about. So the question is why do infants become constipated all the time? Is there a specific reason why they become constipated constantly? Well I can give you a very detailed answer to this question because I happen to know quite a bit about it. Having had six children of my own I think I have the right to say I am an expert in this subject. 


So why do they get constipated all the time?

The answer is pretty simple actually. What do infants eat every single day of their lives? They eat breast milk or formula and that is pretty much it. If they are a little bit older some people may feed them baby food but that is pretty rare. Well milk actually can cause constipation in people. Especially babies because they are much more sensative to things. They have super sensitive digestive systems and you should always remember that they are going to be different than all of us. Is there a fix to this? Yes there actually is a fix to this and it might be a little bit differerent than what you are used to but you should give it a try because it works for me. 

How do I fix this problem? 

Well the best fix for this that I have found is to add a little tiny bit of prune juice to their bottles. It works much better than you might think. A lot of people will say you should only feed breast milk to a baby until they are a certain age. While that is true to some aspect there is no harm in adding a small amount of prune juice to your infants bottle. Its not going to kill them and it will do much more harm than good. Go ahead tell me if it works after you give it a try. You can thank me later when your infant is not in severe pain from being constipated. 

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